Wednesday, April 30, 2025 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

The Myth of the Golden Test Database: Why It Doesn't Work and What to Do Instead

Test automation requires predictability, yet every test environment refresh or migration from Dev to QA to PreProd throws test data into chaos. This typically leads to the pursuit of a "golden test database" that can be restored to a known state. But regardless of the cost and effort associated with test data management projects, they will always eventually fail. Learn why and what to do instead to make your automated tests resilient and repeatable.

Linda  Hayes

Linda Hayes, who has 30+ years of experience in SAP, is the founder of three software companies, including AutoTester, the first PC-based test automation tool, and Worksoft Inc., the first codeless test automation solution and leader in business process assurance for enterprise applications. Linda holds degrees in accounting, tax, and law and is a frequent industry speaker and award-winning author on software quality.