Tuesday, April 29, 2025 - 1:00pm to 4:30pm

The Influential Tester in Agile Development

Avoiding siloed development is a tricky business. It’s so easy for agile teams to fall into the rut of testers only doing traditional testing activities and programmers strictly doing their time-worn coding activities. But there are actually many places testers can be influential and contribute value on cross-functional teams. Robert Sabourin will share several examples of how testing skills can be applied to a wide variety of activities in an agile project. For instance, testers are among the most skilled team members in story grooming, elicitation, and exploration. Risk analysis in self-organized agile teams empowers testers to drive product design decisions. And a tester’s affinity analysis skills can help clear the way for teams to make tough technical trade-offs. Rob will show the opportunities for agile testers to be influential and contribute outside of testing, such as coaching and pairing with programmers to help design and review powerful unit tests; studying static analysis from the continuous integration process to find unexpected variations in code complexity or new security risks; and working hands-on with programmers in integrated development environments to troubleshoot and debug code. Learn about becoming an influential tester in agile development. Learn to make a difference guiding change while delivering quality products.

AmiBug.Com, Inc.

Rob Sabourin has more than thirty-five years of management experience leading teams of software development professionals. A highly-respected member of the software engineering community, Rob has managed, trained, mentored, and coached hundreds of top professionals in the field. He frequently speaks at conferences and writes on software engineering, SQA, testing, management, and internationalization. Rob authored I am a Bug!, the popular software testing children's book; works as an adjunct professor of software engineering at McGill University; and serves as the principal consultant (and president/janitor) of AmiBug.Com, Inc. Contact Rob at [email protected].