Thursday, April 28, 2022 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

How Do You Help Motivate Testers?

Anyone can do testing, but only good and motivated testers can do great testing. The mindset of a tester is different from that of anyone else in a software development team, and so are their motivating factors. There are special difficulties to confront in our undervalued field that we must be aware of if we want to keep the motivation of our testers high. In order to help testers grow, we must take proper care. I started out as a tester, led a team of testers, and now, I am leading test leaders. I want to share my experiences and the lessons my fellow team leaders and I have learned during these years. You will get some food for thought and ideas about how you lead and take care of your testers. This knowledge enhances your goal of helping your testers grow and be happy, motivated, realized, and do better testing.


In 2008, Federico co-founded Abstracta (, a company that is dedicated to providing testing services and creating development tools that help simplify software testing tasks. Federico holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the School of Computer UCLM, in Spain, and he completed his undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering at the University of the Republic in Uruguay. Since he started testing in 2005, he has participated in functional, automated and performance testing projects as an analyst, tester and project leader. He co-founded Abstracta Academy and Apptim (formerly, Monkop). In 2021 Federico graduated from the Stanford + LBAN SLEI, a 10-week program dedicated to Latino Entrepreneurs focused on how to scale their business.