So… you want to become a Test Automation Engineer (or hire and develop one)? While there’s quite a bit of information available about important technical and tool skills to master, there’s not enough discussion around the path to becoming an effective Test Automation Engineer that knows how to add VALUE. This had led to a proliferation of engineers who are proficient with tools and building frameworks but have skill and knowledge gaps, especially in software testing, that reduce the value they deliver with test automation. In this talk, Lee will share his lessons learned from over 30 years...
Lee Barnes
Chief Quality Officer
Forte Group

Lee Barnes has over 30 years of experience in the Software Quality Assurance and Testing field. He has been involved in the implementation of test automation and performance testing solutions in hundreds of environments across a wide array of industries. Most recently, he has been involved with bringing quality practices (with a focus on automation and performance) to agile and DevOps teams. Lee speaks regularly at industry conferences including StarEAST/WEST, DevOpsDays, Agile+DevOps East/West, STPCon, and TestCon Europe.