STAREAST 2024 Tutorial: Testing in the Cloud From All Four Corners of the World!


Tuesday, April 30, 2024 - 8:30am to 4:30pm

Testing in the Cloud From All Four Corners of the World!

This is a workshop for those of you that have done some sort of scripting or automation before. It’s a workshop where we’ll write a simple test agent using Python for sending traffic to a centralized REST API. You’ll follow up by creating 10,000 items of random test objects for offline test data. You’ll spin up server instances in the AWS cloud using Python. And finally, to top it all off, you’ll deploy your test agent and test data in cloud instances spread out over the four corners of the world, all of them generating simultaneous test traffic toward a single REST API where you’ll all collectively in the workshop will work together to achieve a consistent and intense traffic load for the REST API under test.

Laptop Required: Students must bring their laptops to connect to the external training environment. As a participant, you are expected to have some experience in automation, scripting, or working with Python. You should also be comfortable using a terminal, connecting to remote servers using ssh and ssh-keys. The instructor is very happy to answer questions or any hesitation you might have about taking the tutorial.

Laptop Technical Requirements: A browser (Chrome, Firefox, or Edge), access to port 6901. If you can use ssh (port 22), that is a bonus but not a hard requirement. We will send you instructions on how to connect to your machine will be sent out a week before the workshop. You MUST verify that you can access the training environment before the workshop.

Kristoffer Nordström
Northern Test Consulting AB

Kristoffer Nordström is a test developer who has worked with telecommunications systems, distributed compilers, cloud technology, smartphone OS development, embedded systems, and much more. As a testing devotee and a member of the context-driven test community, with his own company Kristoffer consults and teaches the course Python for Testers because he believes in tools-assisted sapient testing. Over the years he has seen the immense value of testers learning how to distill large amounts of information into the so-called “big picture,” and he advocates for learning the soft skills necessary to collaborate with the people making up the organization. Apart from being an avid software tester, Kristoffer is also a sci-fi reader, lamp maker, and craftsman.