Wednesday, May 1

Kevin Pyles
O.C. Tanner

An AI-Partnered Testing Future—It’s Here!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

Let’s be real, we are quite a ways out from AI taking over the world. AI doomsday apologists stay home! On the other hand, AI is changing everything about software creation. In this presentation, Kevin Pyles will take you on a walk down memory lane through waterfall, agile and DevOps practices, and will then introduce you to the future of software creation known as AI-Partnered Development. Let’s get practical with real-world examples of AI assisting designers, solving coding challenges and testing software right next to human testers. We will explore how AI is also involved today in...

Orca Intelligence

Empowering Robust Testing Frameworks: Leveraging AI-Generated Requirements for Unparalleled Quality Assurance

Wednesday, May 1, 2024 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Join Melissa as she explores the fusion of AI and quality assurance in software development. Discover how AI-generated requirements can revolutionize testing strategies, enhancing application quality. She will cover AI's role in requirements generation, and you will learn how AI automates the creation of diverse use case scenarios, ensuring comprehensive coverage, including edge cases. She will discuss traceability and alignment to outline how AI-generated requirements establish a robust traceability matrix, verifying all aspects of software functionality. Additionally, the session will...

Dmitriy Gumeniuk
EPAM Systems

Unlocking the Future: Real-World Applications of 3 Open-Sourced ML Powered Tools for Test Automation

Wednesday, May 1, 2024 - 2:45pm to 3:45pm

In an era where Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various industries, the field of test automation is no exception. This talk aims to shed light on how ML can be practically applied in test automation using open-source tools that are readily available for implementation. Join Dmitry as he explores three popular tools—Healenium, ReportPortal and Visual Regression Tracker—that leverage ML to offer innovative solutions in self-healing capabilities, testing results analysis and visual testing, respectively. You will learn about the rise of AI and ML in...

Thursday, May 2


Prompt Engineering for Mere Mortals

Thursday, May 2, 2024 - 9:45am to 10:45am

Prompt Engineering is a skill that anyone can develop, even mere mortals. While Generative AI can produce amazing results, it isn’t magic. You don’t need to be an AI Wizard to learn to craft effective prompts that help you leverage Generative AI in a way that helps you complete your tasks and achieve your goals and objectives. Tom will break down the terms and use everyday examples to illustrate Prompt Engineering best practices so that you can more easily navigate the nuances of Generative AI. In this session, you will learn what Prompt Engineering is and how to use it to get the best...

Curiosity Software

Adversarial Testing for AIs: Get Ready to Fuzz Things Up!

Thursday, May 2, 2024 - 11:15am to 12:15pm

With the “AI Boom”, testing AI will be a vital skill for every tester. But, how can you test a system with few expected results or test oracles? This talk will discuss the vital skills that Quality Engineers offer to AI/ML development as well as different tools and techniques that you can use to start testing AI. Ben will discuss how you can automate “Adversarial Testing”, a technique which provides inputs to see if an AI produces undesirable responses. You will learn a technique known as “Fuzzing”, in which testing provides an array of inputs to see if a program produces a result that is...